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Call for papers 2009 AAG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, March 22 - 27


Organizers: Tim Schwanen and Antonio Paéz
Sponsored by the Transportation Geography Specialty Group

We would like to invite submission of papers for presentation at the 
2009 Annual Meeting of the AAG on the topic of the everyday mobility of 
older people and its relationships with out-ofhome
activity participation, health and independence, governance and planning 
(e.g., of aging-friendly communities). The evolving mobility profile of 
seniors has been identified as a critical issue facing transportation 
systems throughout the world. Not only do demographic trends in many 
countries indicate a substantial relative and absolute increase in the 
senior cohort of the population, older people are also expected to live 
longer independently, making issues of mobility and accessibility a key 
concern to future generations of seniors and planning professionals. 
Research to date has greatly advanced our understanding of the ways the 
travel behavior of seniors is different from other cohorts, and has also 
identified several factors to be considered when planning for 
aging-friendly communities. There is, however, an urgent need for 
further research; the following is a non-exhaustive list of suitable 

* Geographical perspectives on elderly mobility and activity participation
* The meaning of everyday mobility to older people
* Connections among transportation, well-being and health among seniors
* Social exclusion vis-à-vis elderly mobility issues
* Aging in place, living independently and mobility
* Planning for aging friendly communities
* Governing elderly mobility
* Para-transit services and alternative transportation for seniors

We encourage submission of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical 
research that draws on different research traditions within our 
discipline – transport geography, mobility turn in cultural geography,
geographical gerontology, feminist geography, etc. – and/or takes 
different methodological – i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed 
methods. In this way we hope that this session contributes to the further
diversification of geographical inquiries into mobility issues. We 
intend to prepare a special issue of an academic journal based on the 
contributions to the organized session.

Those interested in this call for papers are encouraged to express their 
willingness to participate in the session(s) as soon as possible to both 
organizers. They should register for the meeting and submit an
abstract of at most 250 words using the on-line system at 
More information about the preparation of an abstract can be found at:
Please note that the deadline established by AAG for submissions of 
abstracts and sessions is October 16th. Papers submitted in response to 
this call for papers should be received by October 10th in order to 
allow sufficient time to organize the session(s). Submissions received 
after October 10th will be handled by the general program committee.


Tim Schwanen Antonio Páez
Lecturer Associate Professor
Department of Human Geography & Planning Centre for Spatial Analysis
Faculty of Geosciences School of Geography & Earth Sciences
Utrecht University, the Netherlands McMaster University, Canada
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Dr. Tim Schwanen
Department of Human Geography & Planning
Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University
PO Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands

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