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Colleagues - two forthcoming research events at Central to draw to your

In Discussion: Katie Mitchell
Theatre director Katie Mitchell talks about her new book, The Director's
Craft: A Handbook for the Theatre (Routledge, 2008) and her recent
multimedia work, including ...some trace of her and Attempts on Her Life
(both National Theatre).
6.00-7.30pm, Tuesday 14 October

Documenting Practices
An exhibition of different approaches to documenting theatre, with round
table discussions and short performances addressing issues and
practices. Documenting Practices looks in particular at diverse means of
documenting, and includes examples from a range of productions.
2.00-8.00pm, Thursday 6 November (exhibition, symposium and reception;
NB symposium starts at 3pm) 10.00-6.00pm, Friday 7 November (exhibition
only) Admission is free. 

Both events take place at The Central School of Speech and Drama,
University of London, Eton Avenue, London NW3 3HY.

If you would like to reserve a place at an event, or require further
information, please contact [log in to unmask]

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