

Hello all,

I have a small series of images that have been log transformed and are fairly evenly distributed (at least upon appearance in the histogram function of MRIcron).  Unfortunately the MRIcron histogram figure does not provide hard numbers or the ability to off-load the full range of intensity values for cut-point determination.  In my case, this would be the top 5% of intensity values.  Unfortunately the intensity ranges for the images vary from subject to subject, though their shapes are fairly uniform, so I can just "guesstimate" the lower limit of the upper range from the MRIcron histogram and apply that cut-point to all other subjects.  

Is there a way to establish a mask for each subject, such that each mask captures only those voxels in the upper tail of the intensity distribution for each subject?  I'm not planning on comparing the subjects in a statistical model, but would like to have a common metric (upper 5%) for visualizing the most significantly high voxel intensities for each subject.

Cheers and thanks,

Jeff Browndyke
Duke University Medical Center
Dept. of Psychiatry