

When you select the volumes to write, you can change the field that says "1" 
in the file selector to (eg) "1:1000".  This allows you to specify which 
volumes to work with.  By default, this is not enabled as selecting files 
would require headers to be read in order to determine how many volumes there 
are in each file.

Best regards,

On Monday 22 September 2008 19:57, Lee Friedman wrote:
> <html><body><span style="font-family:Verdana; color:#000000;
> font-size:10pt;">Hi,<br><br>I typically use afni but prefer SPM for
> normalization to EPI.nii.<br><br>All my afni-created 4D nifti files used to
> work fine.<br><br>But now they don't.<br><br>When I input nifti-4D file as
> an image to write, I only get image number 1 back.<br><br>As&nbsp; I say,
> this used to work fine (all volumes in the 4D file were properly normalized
> in the output w-prefix file).<br><br>Any help would be
> appreciated.<br><br>Lee<br></span></body></html>