

nice one Jon
Sally Evans

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Corelis" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: rewriting shakespeare

> So, hang around or not?   The bottom line
> is whether there's more cojones in putting up
> with all this shit, or to start blasting away
> and go out in a blaze of glory.  OK, croak:
> like going to sleep, that's all;   when you're asleep
> you can't  remember who's fucked you up the ass,
> and so what's not to like?  So go to sleep,
> just go to sleep and have sweet dreams -- aw, shit,
> there's what fucks it up.   Sure, sleep forever,
> but what if you have bad dreams after you've said
> the hell with everything, makes you think twice
> about it.  If it weren't for that, who'd want
> to have another birthday?  Why waste your life
> working at some dumb job until you drop,
> trying to get laid and only getting laughed at,
> kissing the asses of people who kick yours,
> working your fingers to the bone for assholes
> who never had to work a day in their life
> and look down their quivering trust-fund nostrils at you,
> when you could just say, "Fuck it:   I'm out of here."
> I mean, come on, wouldn't we all check out,
> if we weren't all scared shitless of what happens
> after we cross that line?  since no one's ever
> come back and said, "Hey, dig it:  it's like this."
> So we don't know just what the fuck to do;
> we tell ourselves, however bad things get,
> they could be even worse on the other side,
> and when push comes to shove, we're all afraid,
> and dream big dreams while sitting on our asses.
> Oh wow:  and now here comes Ophelia.
> What a babe, but she's too good for me.
> -- 
> ===============================================
> Jon Corelis
> ===============================================