

I would like to add a different type of point.

It's all very well to talk of the journals of repute, RAEs etc. But  
we have to help journals attain this level. And if we only publish in  
the top ones, there will be no new top ones to join in.

My strategy for publishing is to publish quite a lot in less known  
and less prestigious journals, in the hope that my presence will help  
raise their profile. (You may disagree that my presence will have  
this effect, but that's a different matter.)

If we, specially some of the older, better known and more  
established, go on endlessly publishing in the few "top" journals  
they will tend to exclude the young and the new, and they also fail  
in the senior statesperson's job of raising the profile and  
developing the possibilities of the subject.

We have to care more for the subject than ourselves or our  
institutions, else we are not academics and scholars but simple  
political servants.
