

Hi, everyone,
We know all Year 10 students generally have one to two weeks off school to do their 'Work Experience'. Responding to their real life, Edexcel includes a word '????' for 'work experience' in its GCSE Chinese Core Vocab list. Having observed what they do in their 'Work Experience' weeks, I have realised that it is actually quite similar to '????' in China. As a teacher examiner I always feel reluctant to choose the topic of 'Work Experience', as I always feel I am not speaking natural Chinese when I ask students '????????????????'. I would rather ask them '????????????????'.
I hope this message can initiate more colleagues to share ideas regarding what appropriate terms in Chinese can be used for 'Work Experience', instead of '????'. 
If you want, you can check the word on Page 78 of 'GCSE 2009 Chinese pre-published accredited Specification.pdf' in the link as below. <> 
By the way, could anybody tell me how people refer to that Ipod in China?