

Asif Osman wrote:
> Sep 23 15:44:27 ce glite-lb-interlogd[25054]: queue_thread: event_queue_connect: edg_wll_gss_connect: GSS Major Status: Authe
> ntication Failed  (GSS Minor Status Error Chain: globus_gsi_gssapi: SSLv3 handshake problems globus_gsi_callback_module: Coul
> d not verify credential globus_gsi_callback_module: Could not verify credential globus_gsi_callback_module: Invalid CRL: The
> available CRL has expired )
Here it is:  the CRL expired, and you have to update it.

The root cause is then the update problems you have with the fetch-crl 
script.  Sorry, but I cannot help in fixing it.
