


Working for an outdoor museum here in Canada, I'm pulling together
published material on and images of the lives of Protestant Irish
"middling" farm families who emigrated from North Tipperary County,
Ireland, to Canada in the 1820-1840 pre-Famine period. I have plenty of
material on their lives in Canada but have been unable to find much on
what the domestic lives of these "middling" farm families might have
been like in Ireland before emigration. I am particularly interested in
diet, home-life, furnishings, etc.

Any recommendations as to good secondary source books (in print, if
possible), images, etc., or folk life museums depicting the lives of
Protestant farmers in early 19th century Tipperary much appreciated. (I
do have a few images from the National Museum of Ireland.) Happy to
share results with interested others, just drop me a line.

Many thanks!

M. Christine Castle, Ph.D.
Consultant and Educator
234 Hillcrest Avenue
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 2X6
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Museum Learning course at UVIC