

Call for papers for the workshop on 'Environmental Change and Migration: 
Evidence and Developing Norms for Response'.

Academics, activists, policy makers and development practitioners are 
invited to share their research, experience and analysis on 
'Environmental Change and Migration: Assessing the Evidence and 
Developing Norms for Response' and to submit presentation abstracts to 
be considered for inclusion in the workshop that the Refugee Studies 
Centre and the International Migration Institute are organising on 8 and 
9 January 2009 in Oxford.

The workshop will be organized as an open forum where a number of brief 
presentations are followed by open discussion. Potential speakers are 
invited to submit presentation abstracts to be considered for inclusion 
in the workshop.

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words long, and should be submitted 
to [log in to unmask] by Friday 31st October 2008.

Further information on the workshop and its key questions can be found 
at the website of the Refugee Studies Centre:

Note: The material contained in this communication comes to you from the 
Forced Migration Discussion List which is moderated by the Refugee 
Studies Centre (RSC), Oxford Department of International Development, 
University of Oxford. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the 
RSC or the University. If you re-print, copy, archive or re-post this 
message please retain this disclaimer. Quotations or extracts should 
include attribution to the original sources.

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