

Dear All

Please find below a call for papers and invitation to delegates for the first of four seminars on the theme of LGBT Lives taking place in Scotland.

Many thanks

Richard Ward



The QMU LGBT and Sexualities Research Network has been awarded funding by the ESRC to hold a seminar series on LGBT lives. 

Seminar One: Questions on Equality

Location: Edinburgh (venue details to be confirmed shortly)

Date: October 27th 2008
The first, introductory seminar in the series will debate issues of equality intended to resonate with current developments and concerns across policy, practice and academia. This one-day conference will bring together a multidisciplinary group with an interest in equalities issues, LGBT identities and communities.  

The organisers would like to invite papers on theory, methods and applied research, including reports on work in progress, as well as papers detailing development projects, campaigns and other aspects of practice relating to issues of equality and the LGBT communities. Presentations which address the Scottish context in some respect are particularly welcome.

We invite abstracts for presentations that will be 20 minutes in length.  When submitting your abstract please provide the following information: title of your presentation; the author, organisation and e-mail address of presenter/s; and a summary of the proposed presentation using a maximum of 250 words. Please send abstracts for consideration to the seminar series administrator: Janice Burr at [log in to unmask], DEADLINE 3rd OCTOBER 2008

The organisers are able to meet the travel and accommodation costs of up to 5 UK-based postgraduates per seminar and will meet the expenses (up to £200) of one international postgraduate per seminar. Selection will be based on the relevance of proposed papers to the seminar theme. Please indicate on your abstract if you wish to be considered for funding.

See our website for further details on the seminar series:



Delegates are invited to register for the first of four seminars designed to explore sexual and gender dissidence across the life course. The aim is to attract a cross-sector and multidisciplinary audience who will participate in a debate that develops over the course of the series. The seminar series will have relevance for:

*	Academics/researchers
*	Postgraduates
*	Practitioners
*	Service providers and planners
*	Policy-makers
*	Community-based and campaigning groups
*	LGBT individuals

The seminar series will aim to:
*	Develop a network of groups and individuals with a shared interest in Scottish LGBT issues and communities
*	Bring together representatives from different sectors with postgraduates, early career researchers and academics of national and international standing
*	Harmonise efforts to raise awareness of LGBT issues across academia, policy and practice (especially in a Scottish context)
*	Promote integration of transgender issues and interests into the current agenda on sexualities
*	Promote strategic partnerships and contribute to a Scottish strategy for collaboration across research, policy and practice

Attendance at the seminars is free but places are limited so please register in good time. Tea/coffee and a buffet lunch will be provided. A webpage listing seminar participants, their affiliation and areas of interests will be used to support the development of the network and promote collaboration. When registering please provide: name, status/post, organisation/university, one or two lines detailing your areas of interest and a URL to your homepage (if you have one) or to the website of your organisation (optional). 

Please send your details to the series administrator, Janice Burr at [log in to unmask] (Centre for the Older Person's Agenda, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU (0131) 474 0000). Please indicate any dietary requirements and other needs when registering.

The four seminars will be: 1. 'Questions on Equality' (Edinburgh - venue to be confirmed, October 27th 2008); 2. 'Place/space - global/local' (Glasgow University, May 2009); 3. 'Bodies, embodiment and bodily practices' (Robert Gordon University, October 16th 2009); 4. 'Everyday living and the negotiation of sexual and gender difference' (Edinburgh University, May 2010)
For further details see our website: