

CFP - Between Realignment and Flexibility: The Shifting Geographies of Military Base Closures

AAG Conference, Las Vegas, 22-27 March 2009 

We invite papers that explore how former military spaces can be tied to processes of economic restructuring, neoliberal geopolitics, and the cultural production of place/memory. Changes in national defense policy and U.S. geopolitical interests have led to a geographic reorganization of military space. The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process, responsible for closing hundreds of military installations, was part of this shift. These spaces were once important nodes in the U.S. military network that defined Cold War policy. Base closure and realignment marked a shifting geography of U.S. militarism. Our panel will explore what’s at stake in this physical and cognitive remapping of military space. 

Although we are open to papers that deal with the broad theme of military bases, we particularly welcome submissions that deal with the following topics: 
Please direct abstracts (max. 250 words) and questions to [log in to unmask] by October 10, 2008. 

Session Organizers: 
Juan David De Lara, UC Berkeley 
Javier Arbona, UC Berkeley