

It is likely to be a difference in the scaling.
Can you merge the two data sets, run scaleit or something to analyse the 
difference v resolution?


Sabine Schneider wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am puzzled about differences I see when I refine the very same 
> structure against data processed with xscale or scala.
> I got data to 2.55A from a protein-ligand complex. The data were 
> processed with xds/xscale (1) or xds/scala (2)
> Free R was imported from a previously solved structure with a 
> different ligand, first to (1) and from there to (2).
> After MR and refinement (Refmac/Phenix), I get some difference density 
> peaks (a bit pos and neg),  near the ligand when I refine against (1) 
> and it converges more or less around R/Rfree of 20.9 and 24.8. I do 
> not get these pos and negative density blobs when I refine the same 
> coordinates against (2), with a tiny bit higher R/Rfree of 21.6/26.1?
> So the data processed with scala, where I get slightly better 
> refinement statistics, I end up with some pos/neg density peaks. They 
> don't show up when I apply a high resolution cut-off of 2.65A during 
> refinement.
> Symmetry is orthorhombic and the statistics are OK (Rsym 0.09 and 0.38 
> in highest shell, redundancy ~5, I/sigI =1.9, mean I/sigI  = 5.2 ) and 
> in both files appear to be more or less the same number of reflections.
> I also did simulated annealing, omitting the region around the ligand 
> in a 15A radius and the density is nicely coming up. But it doesn't 
> make a difference: after refinement I always end up with the result as 
> discribed above? And there isn't really a difference between the two 
> structures in the end.
> Has anyone an idea whats going on?
> Sabine