

Hi, I have a protein in which two domains (that can be homology  
modeled with a reasonably high degree of confidence though obviously  
not beyond question) are connected by a 120 amino acid linker, the  
whole protein is around 600 amino acids. I have observed by CD that  
when a ligand binds there is a decrease in alpha helix and an increase  
in beta sheet of a magnitude that would correspond to around 60 amino  
acids moving from helix to sheet. Small angle x-ray scattering shows a  
compaction of the structure on ligand binding. My question is, does  
anyone know of a way of analysing the primary sequence to identify  
where these structural changes are most likely to occur? I think that  
low probability scores in the secondary structure prediction might  
indicate an element that could exist in two secondary structure states  
but this seems a little unsatisfying. Thanks for your suggestions.  


Nathan Cowieson
Monash Center for Synchrotron Science
Monash University
VIC 3800
Tel: +61 3 9902 0117
Mob: 0418 226406
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