

>    To use DARTEL for fMRI group analysis, where should I import the
> individual con files (coregistered to the T1 images)?

Providing your images are registered, then there should be no need to import 
your con files.  Note that DARTEL hasn't really been evaluated for fMRI 
studies.  There are likely to be a number of issues relating to how best to 
deal with regional expansion and contraction, which are not properly dealt 
with by simple warping of the images.  I've written about this a number of 
times, so I won't go into details here.

> My understanding of
> DARTEL based normalization is that there are two separate registration
> processes, one for grey matter and the other for white matter. How to
> combine these two processes to get a final template?

That is not the case at all.  Grey and white matter (and any other classes 
that can be well segmented) are registered simultaneously in order to obtain 
a consistent estimate of the deformations.

> Another question is: is there a way to use this local template to warp the
> new data sets that are not involved in template generation?

Yes.  This is what the "Run DARTEL (existing Templates)" option does.

Best regards,