
 Nothing can quite compare here with Brandon Brown - who leaves the gourmet underloins of San Francisco to go, literally, eat up New York City for an entire weekend -  O'Hara's "personism" turned into "eatism', a 'hedonism' on the run.   It's really a non-stop practically sleepless literary tour de force performed/lived among poets - indeed they are perhaps talking about 'lit' or music -  but it's really all liquid and bites. An amazing blast of consumptual, consumptious energy. Maybe it's a poem, or anti-poem in disguise! (I know Brandon is a tall, wide guy - but that must have some plane ride going home!) 
 If summer lethargy has you down, go there! 
 Stephen V
 Where there are some recent entries of hot new grafitti about Dolores Park and Lutheran Church.