

This is a provisional thing. I'd welcome constructive criticism,
particularly about the last line. Otherwise, it is a thing of echoes,
as we all are. Worried about an implied Platonism in my post title


60's man looking back

                Mr W.S '68

We wondered about our invulnerability
in that eternal hungering summer. At times
rare coins appeared, out of the sun's hat,
in our infallible pockets, but then at a

quarter before the first swish of night,
or when you looked up suddenly circumspect
at the pouring of tea, it seemed as if
a hole appeared just in the bottom left corner

of an all-seeming, whirled.  Or that flash
photographs snared us, to slot twin
brittle negatives in the tenderness of heads.

Earth swung, on the sun's string. Years
clambered upon our faces and what was doubt
followed as wonder wandered in yet out.

David Bircumshaw
Website and A Chide's Alphabet
The Animal Subsides
Leicester Poetry Society: