

Some members may recall an earlier email from me when Lambeth PCT first advertised this post some months ago.  Regrettably although we had a large number of applicants we have found it necessary to readvertise.  The details are on NHS Jobs, see:

The job is a really attractive one for someone with both the vision for what mainstreaming equality could look like in both commissioning and providing health care, the knowledge of what is required and the senior leadership and organisational competencies to carry off the process.  The post is in public health and links strongly to our work on health equity audit where we are developing an integrated approach to equality & equity.  The PCT really does seem to be committed to getting equality right so the successful candidate will be working in a conducive environment with good corporate support.  

Previous applicants are welcome to re-apply, however depending on the number of applicants we are proposing a slightly different process to move from a long to a short list involving ½ to 1 day of practical (and interesting and enjoyable!) activities related to the post and an introduction to the PCT.  To reach the long list applicants will have to demonstrate (providing succinct evidence to that effect) in their application that they meet the requirements in the person specification.  Strangely there is little guidance that I can find on NHS Jobs about this point but there are 2 relevant paragraphs, 'the person specification' and 'top tips' which I would recommend on this site;  

I'm happy to talk to anyone informally in more detail about the job itself, the qualities we are looking for in candidates and indeed to feedback to people who were unsuccessful last time.  

Best wishes and good luck to anyone who applies

Sarah Corlett
Consultant in Public Health 
Lambeth Primary Care Trust
1 Lower Marsh
London, SE1 7NT
PLEASE NOTE: From April 7th 2008 my telephone number is 020 3049 4223
em: [log in to unmask]

Promoting happiness & mental wellbeing in Lambeth 


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