

Dear Sarah
  I would be most grateful if you could kindly send us a copy as well.I am part of South Asian Health Foundation which is on and I chair the musculo skeletal group. We are also hosting a national conference on 1st and 2nd December at the Royal College of Physicians in London on Diabetes,Alcohol issues, Musculo skeltalhealth besides heart and lung disease in ethnic minorities - not just South Asians. You are all welcome to attend.
  Prof Chakravarty

Sarah Corlett <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
In Lambeth we are updating our patient profiling data collection, in
part because we have found that certain questions are confusing for
patients or have no Read Codes (British GP disease coding system), and
partly because (perhaps paradoxically) the new world of procurement for
primary care provision in England means we have the opportunity to (and
must) be more precise about what data we want providers to collect. We
are therefore developing a primary care minimum dataset for Lambeth so
providers can demonstrate progress on equality (the aim being to collect
the information once on registration and to share on referral). Of
course we are some way from implementing this but alongside the dataset
we need to revise our patient information on why the information is
being collected. I wondered if people would be prepared to send or
point me to examples of their patient information leaflets or similar on
the why's and wherefore's of monitoring? 

We're happy to share everything we come up with (I can send the draft
patient profiling to individuals on request and people are also welcome
to send me theirs) and of course if anyone else is moving in this
direction I'd be delighted to discuss issues that people are grappling
with (anyone with experience or advice about monitoring sexual
orientation or transgender?? People here are nervous about it and there
appear to be no useful Read Codes - but realise this is not the topic of
this e-group). 


Sarah Corlett
Consultant in Public Health 
Lambeth Primary Care Trust
1 Lower Marsh
London, SE1 7NT
PLEASE NOTE: From April 7th 2008 my telephone number is 020 3049 4223
em: [log in to unmask]

Promoting happiness & mental wellbeing in Lambeth 


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