

>Places are still available. Please register by 5 September (details below).
>Exile in and from Czechoslovakia
>during the 1930s and 1940s 
>Wednesday, 17 September - Friday, 19 September 2008 
>Venue <../../contact/findus.html> : 
>Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London
>Stewart House/Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
>Organized by the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies
>More about the Centre:
>Wednesday, 17 September 2008 
>Room ST 274/275 13.30 
>13.30 Registration
>14.00 Welcome and Introduction
>14.30 Bill Williams (Manchester): Czech Refugees in Manchester, 1938-1945 
>15.00 Sylva Simsova (London): Who were the Pre-Second World War Refugees from Czechoslovakia? 
>15.30 Discussion 
>15.45 Tea 
>16.15 Martin D. Brown (London): Is 'Transfer' merely a Euphemism for 'Ethnic Cleansing'? From the Munich to the Potsdam Agreements: The Origins of a Concept and the Evolution of a Debate 
>16.45 Alice Teichova/Mikuláš Teich (Cambridge): Between the Little and the Big World: A Life Together in the Twentieth Century 
>17.15 Discussion 
>Evening Programme
>19.15 Reception at the Czech Embassy
>Thursday, 18 September 2008 
>Room ST 274 - Parallel Session A 
>9.45 Ursula Adam (Berlin): Feder - Zeichenstift - Fotomontage: Satire und Karikatur im Prager Exil 
>10.15 Anna Jani>štinova (Prague): Deutsche K>ünstler im Prager Exil, 1930-1940 
>10.45 Discussion 
>11.00 Coffee 
>11.30 Susan Reynolds (London): 'Briefe und Telegramme aus Prag, welche wahre Notschreie darstellen ...': Thomas Mann's Efforts on Behalf of Refugees in Prague 
>12.00 Magali Nieradka (Nice): 'Aber Landsmann! Gibt es soviel menschliche Solidarität?': Die tschechische Einbürgerung der Familie Mann durch die Gemeinde Prosec 
>12.30 Discussion 
>12.45 Lunch (own arrangements) 
>14.00 Jens Brüning (Berlin): Hans Jaeger in Prag 
>14.30 Jana Buresova (London): The Czech Refugee Trust Fund in Britain, 1939-1950 
>15.00 Discussion 
>15.15 Tea 
>15.45 Susan Cohen (Southampton): Eleanor Rathbone and the British Response to the Czech Plight of 1938 
>16.15 Marcela Po>žárek (Limerick): Der gro>ße Unbekannte: Eduard Goldstückers kompliziertes Schicksal und seine englischen Jahre 
>16.45 Ingrid Hudabiunigg (Chemnitz): Eduard Goldstücker's Twofold Emigration and Remigration from and to Prague 
>17.15 Discussion 
>Evening Programme
>19.15 Panel Discussion with 'Zeitzeugen'
>Thursday, 18 September 2008 
>Room ST 275 - Parallel Session B 
>10.15 Andrea Hammel (Sussex): 'Why is your Czech so bad?': Czech Child Refugees, Language and Identity 
>10.45 Discussion 
>11.00 Coffee 
>11.30 Jutta Raab-Hansen (London): Czech Musicians in British Exile 
>12.00 Katharina Wessely (Brno): Emigranten und Emigrantinnen im Brünner Kulturleben 
>12.30 Discussion 
>12.45 Lunch (own arrangements) 
>14.00 Christoph Haacker (Wuppertal): 'Die Engländer, die alles so gut eingerichtet haben': Stimmen deutsch-tschechischslowakischer Exilautoren über Großbritannien 
>14.30 Wilfried Weinke (Hamburg): 'Dieser rothaarige, immer erregte und Erregung hervorrufende Mann': Justin Steinfeld und Die Wahrheit 
>15.00 Discussion 
>15.15 Tea 
>15.45 Devana Pavlik (London): Czechoslovak Publications issued in Britain during World War II 
>16.15 Ursula Seeber (Vienna): Rudolf Fuchs und sein 'Deutscher Almanach aus der Tschechoslowakei' 
>16.45 Jennifer Taylor (London): Publication Prospects for German-Bohemian Writers in London 
>17.15 Discussion 
>Evening Programme
>19.15 Panel Discussion with 'Zeitzeugen'
>Friday, 19 September 2008 
>Room ST 274/275 
>9.45 Milan Hauner (Wisconsin): The Beginnings of the Czechoslovak Exile Government in 1939/40 
>10.15 David Kraft (Prague): The Relationship between the Free Austrian Movement in Great Britain and the Czechoslovak Government in Exile>
>10.45 Discussion 
>11.00 Coffee 
>11.30 Jan Lánicek (Southampton): Czechoslovak Jewish Political Exile in the UK during World War II 
>12.00 Martina Halamova (Budweis): Activities of the Czech Writer Viktor Fischl during World War II in English Exile 
>12.30 Discussion 
>12.45 Lunch (own arrangements) 
>14.00 Paul Weindling (Oxford): Czechoslovak Medical Refugees in the UK, 1938-1945 
>14.30 Deborah Vietor-Engländer (Mainz): Lactobacillus, Fluoride Toothpaste, Blueberries and Birchermuesli: A Circle of Friends from Czechoslovakia in London from 1938 
>15.00 Discussion 
>15.15 Tea 
>15.45 Jörg Thunecke (Cologne): 'Quamvis sub aqua maledicere temptant'? Johannes Urzidils Stellung zur Frage der Deutschen in der Tschechoslowakei von 1940 bis in die Nachkriegszeit: Eine Stimme im 'grossen Froschteich der Emigration' 
>16.15 Irene Bruegel (London): Turn Around Again: The Return of Exiles to Czechoslovakia in the Post-War Period. Motives and Experiences 
>16.45 Concluding Discussion 
>Further Information/Registration
>To obtain further information and register for the conference, contact Jane Lewin <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  (tel: 020 7862 8966). Please note the closing date for receipt of registrations is Friday, 5 September 2008.
>Conference Fees
>All three days
>£50.00 Standard Rate
>£45.00 Reduced Rate
>£30.00 Student Rate
>One day only
>£30.00 Standard Rate
>£25.00 Reduced Rate
>£20.00 Student Rate
>The Reduced Rate applies on to fully paid-up Friends of Germanic Studies at the IGRS and paying members of the IGRS
>The Student Rate applies on production of a photocopy of a current university of student identity card
>University of London School of Advanced Study
>Room ST272, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
>Telephone: +44 (0)20-7862 8966  Fax: +44 (0)20-7862 8672
>Email: jane.lewin  Website: