

films no doubt change the world (and people), but that there's a
considerable element of unpredictability about this (the failure of
instrumental logic). Benjamin, Adorno/Horkheimer? If I recall correctly,
Rossellini after his didactic films made for French tv (the best known
of which is 'La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV', 1966), came to the
conclusion - as did Francesco Rosi in Italy a decade later - that if you
want to make films, make films. If you want to do politics, don't make
films but go into politics.


	for better or worse, what's so interesting about screen theory
is that it explores the ideological work done by cultural forms that are
NOT didactic, that to all appearances are innocent of ideological and
political impulse . . . much work on the sexist ideology of certain
hollywood conventions seems compelling and has, i think, changed our
view of the role of gender is very valuable ways


	it probably goes without saying that the most interesting
ideological indices are to be found in the work of those who are totally
unaware that they are doing anything but telling a story . . . i hardly
want to jettison this mode of analysis - but at the same time i think it
necessary to be as critical of it as we can, to be sure that it does not
simply impose its own ideological agenda  





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