

Hi Nigel
Try Neal Philo at The Comfort Shop
01253 724902
They are seating specialists

Geoff Coates
Lead Assessor/Assitive Technology Adviser
Access Centre
University of Central Lancashire
Student Services

Preston PR1 2HE

Tel: 01772 892601
Fax: 01772 894930
email: [log in to unmask]

>>> Nigel Utting <[log in to unmask]> 13/08/2008 16:24 >>>
Afternoon all
I have assessed a student with Chondrodysplasia (he is 1.25m tall) and would like to recommend some seating for him.  The main equipment suppliers have drawn blanks, so I was wondering if anyone out there has found a suitable alternative and/or could suggest a company I could approach. 
The chair would be for him studying at a workstation, supported by a footrest.
Nigel J Utting