I have fitted a mixed effects 2-level logistic regression model to a dataset of approx. 6,000 subjects using S Plus glme to provide estimates for 14 fixed effect parameters and the random effects (of which there are 3) covariance matrix (=6 parameters). I have programmed WinBUGS to do the same thing. While the fixed effects parameters/CIs are fairly close for the two methods, the covariance matrix components are miles apart. In fact, the 95% CI's do not even intersect.
S Plus glme carries out a restricted ML calculation by "integrating out" the actual random effects, while in the WinBUGS specification, the random effects are an explicit part of the model albeit drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix omega, for which I have included a Wishart prior in the model. Could this give rise to the differences? My instinct tells me not, but I'm at a loss to understand what's happening.
Anybody any thoughts or similar experiences?
Frank Gargent

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