

Hello All,

I am trying to segment a batch of 66 T1 weighted MR images of the human brain. I would like to run DARTEL on them. When I try
to segment the images initially, I get the following error for all 66 images:

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In expm>PadeApproximantOfDegree at 123
  In expm at 39
  In spm_maff>P2M at 191
  In spm_maff>affreg at 152
  In spm_maff at 27
  In spm_preproc at 152
  In spm_config_preproc>execute at 472
  In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1585
  In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1595
  In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1595
  In spm_jobman>run_struct at 1514

Error running job: Error using ==> schur
Input to SCHUR must not contain NaN or Inf.
In file "/usr/local/matlab/toolbox/matlab/matfun/sqrtm.m" (???), function "sqrtm" at line 33.
In file "/home/scratch/spm5/spm_maff.m" (v987), function "M2P" at line 160.
In file "/home/scratch/spm5/spm_maff.m" (v987), function "affreg" at line 76.
In file "/home/scratch/spm5/spm_maff.m" (v987), function "spm_maff" at line 27.
In file "/home/scratch/spm5/spm_preproc.m" (v946), function "spm_preproc" at line 153.
In file "/home/scratch/spm5/spm_config_preproc.m" (v1032), function "execute" at line 472.

What does this error signify and how can I correct it.

Thank you.
Vidya Rajagopalan
Virginia Tech