

Thank you very much for your replies. There is indeed a descrepency 
between the public keys produced from the the hostcert and hostkey, I'll 
take it with the CA directly offlist and see if we can sort it.


Jensen, J (Jens) wrote:
> Here's how I test for it.  Works in bash and zsh.  From memory.
> cd /etc/grid-security
> diff -q <(openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in hostcert.pem) \
>         <(openssl rsa -pubout -in hostkey.pem)
> Note that you may have a certificate which has been re-keyed (normal
> renewal) and re-signed, extended under the new hierarchy.  We tried
> to guard against that, but there was a window where it could have
> happened - no way of avoiding this except by taking the CA down for
> days.
> So either of those certificates will work.  But of course the one
> you should use is the one that matches your private key.
> If you get stuck, you can extract the public key from your private key
> and we can look it up in the CA's database to extract the certificates
> themselves.  But it's (much) easier to look up by DN.
> Cheers
> --jens
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Testbed Support for GridPP member institutes on behalf of Burke, S (Stephen)
> Sent: Thu 31/07/2008 12:50
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Certificate/Key mismatch on rgma/bdii box
>> You could try voms-proxy-init -verify, I'm not sure exactly what it
>> checks but it spots my non-upgraded cert:
> And indeed with a mismatching cert and key:
> voms-proxy-init -verify -cert .globus/usercert-steve.pem -key
> .globus/userkey.pem
> Enter GRID pass phrase:
> user key and certificate don't match
> Function: proxy_init_cred
> Stephen