

I can't figure out the cause of this warning.  The latest updates are revision 
1782, which contains revision 945 of @file_array/subsasgn.m.  This version 
uses "isfinite", rather than the obsolete "finite" function.

Best regards,

On Tuesday 29 July 2008 20:46, Yune Lee wrote:
>  Dear SPM5 experts,
>  I'm running SPM5 with the most updated patch in window and I have this
> warning message below all the time.
>  Is there any way to fix this problem?
>  Your help would be appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Warning: FINITE is obsolete and will be removed in future versions. Use
> ISFINITE instead.
> > In file_array.subsasgn>subfun at 95
>   In file_array.subsasgn at 63
>   In spm_write_plane at 22
>   In spm_write_vol at 98
>   In spm_reslice>reslice_images at 265
>   In spm_reslice at 111
>   In spm_config_realign>estwrite_fun at 427
>   In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1474
>   In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1482
>   In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1482
>   In spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1482
>   In spm_jobman>run_struct at 1436