



Maybe it's a 'glass half full/empty' thing.  


If you are an optimist you can see developments like the FOI s.46 Code
of Practice, the fact that Microsoft are addressing RM issues through
Sharepoint, public concerns over Govt. data losses, growth of the ECM
sector as proof that RM is on the up and that the tide is finally
beginning to turn in our favour.


Or if you are a pessimist you might point to the fact that Yahoo now
offer unlimited email storage for all their users, that even when the IT
industry shows concern about 'Green IT' it is in terms of installing
more energy-efficient servers rather than actually managing the
information they currently hold, that increasing numbers of
organisations are choosing to outsource their email services (and
potentially their other information) to Google, that there are still
precious few records managers at board level and that developments such
as Sharepoint are being taken forward by Microsoft developers and not
records management professionals.


As ever, the truth probably sits somewhere between the two, but as a
'glass half empty' chap I tend to think that on balance the world of
information creation, use and storage is still leaving us further and
further behind.


Now, where's that Leonard Cohen CD...

