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Dear all,

Since its formation in December 2000, the Interwar Rural History Research Group (IRHRG) has organised various seminars, workshops and conferences - most recently the 'Rural Organisations' day conference at the Museum of English Rural Life on 30th April.  Many interesting papers from a range of disciplines have been presented at these meetings, generating some stimulating discussion.  However, it has become increasingly clear that there are a lot of people who are interested in what the IRHRG does but unable to attend our events in person.  Most of the group's meetings are held in central and southern England, where our membership is concentrated, but many people on our mailing list are from other parts of the UK, and, increasingly, from outside the UK altogether.


The IRHRG has always had an emphasis on inclusiveness and we want to find a way to enable people who cannot attend IRHRG events in person to participate more fully in the group.  At the IRHRG's last committee meeting, it was suggested that a 'virtual' online seminar would be one way of doing so.  The proposal is as follows:


1)      a CFP is issued (the one you're reading!)

2)      the IRHRG's committee selects the three most interesting proposals

3)      these form the basis for an initial, trial series, to run over a six month period

4)      the seminars will be publicised widely before the start date

5)      for each seminar there will be a commentator/facilitator, who will ensure that the IRHRG's traditions of informal, friendly and supportive discussion are maintained

6)      on the start date, the commentator will post the first paper to the IRHRG's website,, and open the seminar

7)      to access the paper and participate in the virtual seminar, you will need to go register by emailing Jeremy Burchardt [log in to unmask] 

8)      after four weeks, the commentator will summarize the discussion and close the seminar


At this stage, we are looking for expressions of interest in giving a paper in the first virtual seminar series (we have already had one offer).  If, as we hope, we have a good response to this CFP, we will pencil in names for a second series too.


Papers can relate to any aspect of rural history in the 1920s and 1930s, in any part of the world.  Contributions from disciplines such as geography, sociology, literary and drama studies, art history and environmental history are especially welcome.  We particularly want to encourage 'work in progress' papers from people: 

-         in the early stages of their research (including postgraduates and new researchers)

-         exploring unfamiliar approaches, themes or issues (e.g. applying a methodology from another discipline to interwar rural history)

-         developing a paper for a conference or for publication, and looking for peer feedback

-         finding it difficult to attend IRHRG meetings, for example because of work or family commitments, or location (especially those based outside the UK)


Please submit an abstract of not more than 300 words to Jeremy Burchardt, [log in to unmask] by 20th July 2008.  We hope to post the first paper in early September.  Note that papers will only be circulated to registered participants and will be removed once the seminar is over: the virtual seminar is intended to facilitate subsequent publication in a refereed journal, rather than provide an alternative to it.

Many thanks,


Caitlin Adams, Central School of Speech and Drama

Jeremy Burchardt, University of Reading

Hilary Crowe, University of Sussex

Erin Gill, University of Wales Aberystwyth

Keith Grieves, Kingston University

Clare Griffiths, University of Sheffield

John Martin, De Montfort University

Anne Meredith, Guildford

Mick Wallis, University of Leeds

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