

On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 17:59:36 +0200
Maria Alandes Pradillo wrote:

> Hi,
Hi Mari,
first of all, thanks in advance for your reply.
> 1) It's a known issue as described in
> and
> in

Ok, but as I'm using yaim 4.0.4-2 I though all previous known issues
were solved...
> 2) What do you mean the function does nothing? Is there no error but
> no yaim parser file is created?

Yep, it's created but looks like:

# cat /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-pbs/parser-config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    This file contains a full configuration example of the Apel Log Parser. The
    configuration contains a mandatory header containing properties such 
    as the db credentials and the site name. It also contains a list of
    processors that carry out a unit of functionality, each of which 
    are run within a sequentional order as follows:
    1 DBDeleteProcessor
    2 CPUProcessor
    3 EventLogProcessor
    4 BlahdLogProcessor
    5 GKLogProcessor - DEPRECATED
      (Disabled when accounting log file is active on the CE).
    To disable a processor either delete or comment out the appropriate 
<ApelConfiguration enableDebugLogging="yes">
        The Sites' DN name - use only the public name derived from the 
        GIIS, arbitrary names must be avoided.
    <SiteName>place your site name here</SiteName>
         The following DB credentials are required by all processors.
         This is where data from the various log files is stored.

               The database processor is used to manage APEL database table schema.
               The processor will examine the schema, determine if modifications are 
               required and apply them.                 


               inspectTables - Interrogate the MySQL tables. If set to 'no', the 
               DBProcessor will not run. If set to yes, APEL will check the table 
               schema. If a schema update is required, APEL will do this.
     <DBProcessor inspectTables="yes"/>

		The delete processor is used to scrub all the records stored in the DB. 
		For most configurations, this processor should be commented out or 
		stored within its own config file.
		cleanAll - Deletes all records from the DB. If set to 'no', only 
		records that have been successfully joined to produce an accounting 
		record are removed, this will only affect the Event, Gk, Blahd,   
		and Message records stored in the db. Note, in either case the deletes
                are carried out locally and will not be propagated to the central
                accounting server.
                <DBDeleteProcessor cleanAll="no"/>

        The CPUProcessor is used to retrieve spec information about a sites' 
        computing resources. 
            The CPU spec values are either retrieved from an LDAP query 
            or may be defined manually. 
            For LDAP queries to the site BDII:
            Default LDAP Query to port 2170 
            For LDAP queries to the CE GRIS:
            The Query should specify the port 2135
            Otherwise, define a site-default using the DefaultCPUSpec element. 
            Values are set using SpecInt:SpecFloat.

            NB, if both a default and GIIS option is defined, the default value 
            will be used in preference to querying the LDAP server.     
        <GIIS>place your site-level GIIS name here</GIIS>
        The EventLogProcessor will process all Event logs. Once a log file has 
		been processed, the file is recorded to prevent it from being 
		re-processed in future.

             The HostName of the node that submits jobs to the batch server.
             Usually the CE_HOSTNAME  
        <SubmitHost> CE_HOSTNAME </SubmitHost>

             The Log element defines the directores where the PBS
             log files can be found.
             searchSubDirs - Searches all sub directories for log files.
             reprocess - When a file is processed, a record is kept to prevent 
             duplicate processing in future. Setting this option will reset the 
             flag of each file causing all event log files to be reprocessed.

        <Logs searchSubDirs="yes" reprocess="no">
                 The ExtraFile allows you to define addition files to be
                 processed. In the following example, two extra files have 
                 been added. 
        BlahdLogProcessor - Process the Accounting Log Files on LCG and GliteCE

               THE CE is an LCG-CE that has activated PATCH #898
               THE CE is a GliteCE running Blah

        The Accounting Log file provides a mapping between Grid level information
        UserFQAN, GlobalJobIdentifier, UserDN, and the local batch resources consumed
        CpuTime, WallTime, localUser etc.
           Support for different naming formats is provided by the prefix name of the 
           accounting log file.
              "grid-jobmap_20070131" => prefix is "grid-jobmap_"
              "blahd.log-20070131"   => prefix is "blahd.log-"
        <Logs searchSubDirs="yes" reprocess="no">

        LCG-CEs that implement the Accounting Log File (Savannah Patch#898)
        no longer need to process the GateKeeper and Messages Logs.
        The GK/Msgs log functionality is kept in order to maintain backwards

        <Logs searchSubDirs="yes" reprocess="no">


> Thanks!
> Maria
Thanks to you!