

Hi Antun,

> > A daemon is only restarted when it is absent; its functionality is 
> > not tested.
> Any simple way to check this from a cron job?

Not in this case.  Jobs submitted via your WMS keep seeing their proxies
expired.  You upgraded the MyProxy server, restarted the myproxy-server,
and restarted the glite-proxy-renewd, right?
It could be that the /var/glite/spool/glite-renewd WMS proxy repository
has been corrupted.  A brutish way to clean it up:

    cd /var/glite/spool/glite-renewd
    mkdir ../BAD
    /opt/glite/etc/init.d/glite-proxy-renewald stop
    mv * ../BAD
    /opt/glite/etc/init.d/glite-proxy-renewald start

This could cause many active jobs to fail.  If the problem only happens
for some users, we can refine this recipe and move only their files out
of the way instead.