

italian-studies: Scholarly discussions in any field of Italian studies

News from Annali d’italianistica (

July 10, 2008

You will find below the most recent list of books received. Interested 
scholars may contact the Editor at: [log in to unmask]

Scholars will be selected on the basis of their expertise and research 
interests. Scholars who have never reviewed for AdI, or are new in the 
profession, are encouraged to introduce themselves briefly when they 
request books to review.

All reviews are read by the Editor and Assistant Editor, and all 
reviewers will receive proofs with feedback.

Information on the journal’s editorial norms can be found on the 
journal’s website:

Colleagues who have accepted to review books should submit their reviews 
before the next deadline (June 30, 2009), so that the review may appear 
in the 2009 issue.

In all your correspondence with the Editor, please provide your e-mail 
address, complete name, academic affiliation, and the complete address 
where you wish to receive the book to be reviewed.

If you receive no answer within three weeks, please contact again the 

IMPORTANT: Annali is planning, as of the 2008 issue, to implement the 
following praxis: While listing in the annual volume all the reviews, 
including titles of books and names of reviewers, and while paginating 
all the reviews as they would appear in print, to publish the reviews, 
with consecutive page numbers, only online, where the entire section of 
reviews (Bookshelf) is already available as of 1998. The reasons for 
this change are many, and they are practical and financial but also 
academic and scholarly.

             Books Received

July 10, 2008
Adamo, Giuliana, ed. La parola scritta e pornunciata. Nuovi saggi sulla 
narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo. San Cesario di Lecce: Manni, 2006. Pp. 214.

Arzanà. Cahiers de littérature médiévale italienne 12. Poésie et 
épistolographie. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007. Pp. 219.

Barolini, Teodolinda, and H. Wayne Storey, eds. Petrarch and the Textual 
Origins of Interpretation. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition. 
Leyden: Brill, 2007. Pp. 267.

Bartuschat, Johannes. Les “vies” de Dante, Pétrarque et Boccace en 
Italie (XIV-XV siècles). Contribution à l’histoire du genre 
biographique. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 276.

Bätschmann, Oskar. Giovanni Bellini. London: Reaktion Books, 2008. Pp. 256.

Biancofiore, Angela, ed. Pier Paolo Pasolini: pour une anthropologie 
poétique. Cahiers de Prévue 3. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la 
Méditerranée, 2007. Pp. 167.

Bisanti, Tatiana. L’opera plurilingue di Amelia Rosselli. Un “distorto, 
inesperto, espertissimo linguaggio”.  Psa: Edizioni ETS, 2007. Pp. 324.

Bonelli, Guido. La parola sbagliata. Saggio sulla falsità espressiva dei 
Promessi sposi.  Torino: Celid, 2007. Pp. 206.

Buommattei, Benedetto. Della lingua toscana.  Ed. Michele Colombo. 
Firenze: Presso L’Academia, 2007. Pp. 507.

Burdett, Charles. Journey’s Through Fascism. Italian Travel Writing 
Between the Wars. Remapping Cultural History 7. New York: Berghahn 
Books, 2008. Pp. 263.

Capoferri, Federica. I romanzi in vetrina dal barbiere. Le scritture 
alla prova del film. Pref. Alessandra Ruffino and Flaminio Di Biagi. 
Lavis: La Finestra, 2008. Pp. 144.

Castex, Jean. Architecture of Italy. Reference Guide to National 
Architecture. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008. Pp. 230.

Cherchi, Paolo. Verso la chiusura. Saggio sul Canzoniere di Petrarca. 
Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008. Pp. 196.

Cox, Virginia. Women’s Writing in Italy 1400-1650. Baltimore: Johns 
Hopkins University, 2008. Pp. 464.

Croce, Benedetto. Breviary of Aesthetics. Four Lectures. Introd. Remo 
Bodei. Trans. Hiroko Fudemoto. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 113.

Dante Alighieri. Paradiso. Verse translation by Robert Hollander and 
Jean Hollander. Introd. and notes Robert Hollander. New York: Doubleday, 
2006. Pp. 915.

Di Pasquale, Emanuel. Writing Anew: New and Selected Poems. New York: 
Bordighera Press, 2007. Pp. 158.

Eisenbichler, Konrad, and Nicholas Terpstra, eds. The Renaissance in the 
Streets, Schools, and Studies. Essays in Honour of Paul F. Grendler. 
Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2008. Pp. 373.

L’Entrée d’Espagne. Chanson de geste franco-italienne. Ristampa 
anastatica dell’edizione di Antoine Thomas con una premessa di Marco 
Infurna. 2 vols. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2007. Pp. 726.

Esperienze letterarie. Special Issue on Carlo Goldoni. Ed. Franco Fido 
and marco Santoro. 32.3-4 (2007). Pp. 335.

Ferrara, Emily. The Alchemy of Grief / Alchimia del dolore. Poems by 
Emily Ferrara. Trans. Sabine Pascarelli. New York: Bordighera Press, 
2007. Pp. 95.

Franco, Nicolò. Epistolario (1540-1548). Ms. Vat. Lat. 5642. Ed. 
Domenica Falardo. Stony Brook: Forum Italicum Publishing, 2007. Pp. 654.

Gioanola, Elio. Pirandello’s Story. La vita o si vive o si scrive. 
Milano: Editoriale Jaca Book, 2007. Pp. 357.

Gittes, Tobias Foster. Boccaccio’s Naked Muse: Eros, Culture, and the 
Mythopoeic Imagination. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2008. Pp. 369.

Grundtvig, Birgitte, Martin McLaughlin, and Lene Waage Petersen, eds. 
Image, Eye, and Art in Calvino. Writing Visibility. London: Legenda, 
2007. Pp. 305.

Herzig, Tamar. Savonarola’s Women. Visions and Reform in Renaissance 
Italy. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2007. Pp. 333.

Heyer-Caput, Margherita. Grazia Deledda’s Dance of Modernity. Toronto: U 
of Toronto P, 2008. Pp. 314.

Ieraci, Giuseppe. Governments and Parties in Italy. Parliamentary 
Debates, Investiture Votes and Policy Positions (1994-2006). Leicester 
(UK): Troubador, 2008. Pp. 133.

Italian Poetry Review. Plurilingual Journal of Creativity and Criticism. 
Vol. 2. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2007. Pp. 535.

Jaffe, Irma B., with Gernando Colombardo. Zelotti’s Epic Frescoes at 
Cataio. The Obizzi Saga. New York: Fordham UP, 2008. Pp. 143.

Journal of Italian Translation. Vol. 2.2 (Fall 2007). Pp. 264.

Labalme, Patricia H., Laura Sanguineti White, eds. Venice. Cità 
excelentissima. Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo. 
Trans. Linda L. Carroll. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2008. Pp. 598.

Landy, Marcia. Stardom Italian Style. Screen Performance and Personality 
in Italian Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008. Pp. 282.

Lavori in corso. Ricerche di italianistica. Atti del seminario di studi 
Salerno, 15 giugno 2006. Grottaminarda (Av): Delta 3 Edizioni, 2007. Pp. 

Magnanini, Suzanne. Fairy-Tale Science: Monstruous Generation in the 
Tales of Straparola and Basile. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2008. Pp. 221.

Manai, Franco. Cosa succeede a Fraus? Sardegna e mondo nel racconto di 
Giulio Angioni. Cagliari: Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice 
Cagliaritana, 2006. Pp. 254.

Mangini, Angelo M. Letteratura come anamorfosi. Bologna: Bononia UP, 
2007. Pp. 349.

Mantegazza, Paolo. The Physiology of Love and Other Writings. Ed. with 
introd. and notes Nicolette Pireddu. Trans. David Jacobson. Toronto: U 
of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 532.

Moroni, Mario. Al limite. L’idea di margine e confine nel Novecento 
italiano. Firenze: Le Monnier Università, 2007. Pp. 140.

Morosini, Roberta, and Cristina Perissinotto, eds. Mediterranoesis. Voci 
dal medioevo e dal rinascimento mediterraneo. Roma: Salerno Editore, 
2007. 267.

Nigro, Amelia. Dalla parte dell’effimero, ovvero Calvino e il paratesto. 
Pisa: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2008. Pp. 214.

Ó Ceallacháin, Éanna, ed. Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry. A Critical 
Anthology (1900 to the Neo-Avantgarde). Leicester (UK): Troubador, 2007. 
Pp. 348.

Paolini, Gilberto. Chiesa e complesso monastico. Sta Maria Agraiano in 
S. Pio Fontecchio: extra et intus moenia Aquilae, sec. X-XXI. L’Aquila: 
Gruppo Tipografico Editoriale, 2007. Pp. 318.

Pedriali, Federica G., and Rossella Riccobono, eds. Vested Voices II. 
Creating with Transvestism: From Bertolucci to Boccaccio. Ravenna: Longo 
Editore, 2007. Pp. 165.

Peterson, David S., with Daniel E. Bornstein, eds. Florence and Beyond: 
Culture, Society and Politics in Renaissance Italy. Essays in Honor of 
John M. Najemy. Toronto: Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 
2008. Pp. 518.

Piciché, Bernardo. Argisto Giuffredi. Gentiluomo Borghese nel vicereame 
di Sicilia. Roma: Editrice Universitaria di Roma, 2006. Pp. 156.

Picone, Michelangelo, and Luisa Rubini, eds. Il cantare italiano fra 
folklore e letteratura. Atti del convegno internazionale di Zurigo, 
Landesmuseum, 23-25 giugno 2005. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2007. 
Pp. 525.

Pilati, Giacomo. Sicilian Women. True Stories of Conviction and Courage. 
Trans. Anthony N. Fragola. Mineola (NY): Legas, 2008. Pp. 90.

Rao, Ennio. Curmudgeons in High Dudgeon: 101 Years of Invectives 
(1352-1453). Messina: Edizioni Dr. Antonio Sfameni, 2007. Pp. 191.

Salsano, Roberto. Avanguardia e tradizione. Saggi su Mario Verdone. Con 
una nota di Mario Verdone. Milano: Franco Cesati, 2007. Pp. 155.

Santoro, Marco, ed. Valla e Napoli. Il dibattito filologico in età 
umanistica. Atti del convegno internazionale, Ravello, Villa Rufolo, 
22-23 settembre 2005. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici 
Internazionali, 2007. Pp. 248.

Segre, Dan Vittorio. Memoirs of a Fortunate Jew.  Chicago: U of Chicago 
P, 2008. Pp. 273.

Seicento e Settecento. Rivista di letteratura italiana. II – 2007. Pisa: 
Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2007. Pp. 246.

Smarr, Janet Levaries, ed. Writers Reading Writers. Intertextual Studies 
in Medieval and Early Modern Literature in Honor of Robert Hollander. 
Newark: U of Delaware P, 2007. Pp. 256.

Sodi, Risa. Narrative and Imperative. The First Fifty Years of Italian 
Holocaust Writing (1944-1994). New York: Peter Lang, 2007. Pp. 278.

Speelman, Raniero, Monica Jansen, and Silvia Gaiga, eds. Contemporary 
Jewish Writers in Italy: A Generational Approach. Proceedings of the 
International Conference Utrecht-Amsterdam, 5-7 October, 2006. 
Italianistica Ultraiectina 2. Utrecht: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing and 
Archiving Services, 2007. Pp. 320.

Surliuga, Victoria. Nell’epoca del gremito. Conversazioni con Giancarlo 
Majorino. Milano: Archivi del 900, 2008. Pp. 214.

Tortora, Massimiliano, ed. La narrative di Guglielmo Petroni. Atti dell 
a giornata di studio della Fondazione Camillo Caetani, Roma, 27 ottobre 
2006. Roma: Fondazione Camillo Caetani, 2007. Pp. 246.

Vitti, Antonio, ed. Incontri culturali da oltre oceano. Pesaro: Metauro, 
2008. Pp. 279.

Wetherbee, Winthrop. The Ancient Flame. Dante and the Poets. Notre Dame: 
U of Notre Dame P, 2008. Pp. 304.

Wood, Sharon, ed. The Challenge of Modernity. Essays on Grazia Deledda. 
Leicester (UK): Troubador, 2007. Pp. 248.

Zangrilli, Franco, ed. Spiritualità e storia nell’opera di Rodolfo Doni. 
Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa, 2008. Pp. 271.

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