

Dear all
Next week the last event in the Grant Museum's 
Cryptozoology Season looks at the history of the 
Yeti, and the conflicts it causes between scientists and amateurs.
Feel free to pass on to anyone you feel may be 
interested. There is no need to book.
I hope you can make it.
Best wishes
Jack Ashby

Crackpots and Eggheads:
Pseudoscience and the search for the Yeti
Thursday 10th July, 6pm

What drives the hunt for anomalous primate monsters like Bigfoot?
Is it the need to discover the undiscovered…a 
thirst for knowledge…or a desire for excitement?
It’s not so simple. Dr Brian Regal will argue 
that it's all about the battle between
amateur naturalists and professional scientists – 
the Crackpots versus the Eggheads.

Come to the Grant Museum and hear the hairy reality.
Join us for a free glass of wine in a private 
view of the Museum after the talk.

Brian Regal is Assistant Professor for the 
History of Science at Kean University, New Jersey, USA.
His latest book is the two volume, Icons of 
Evolution.  He is currently working on a
history of the search for anomalous primates.

The Cryptozoology Season
The Cryptozoology Season explores the world of 
hidden animals and the people who work with them.
 From the lives of those who study species 
unknown to science, like Nessie and Bigfoot, to expeditions in search
of animals presumed extinct, our talks, events 
and film-night will investigate this marginalised subject in exciting ways.

Is it mainstream science or paranormal research?
Come and make up your own mind.

For more events in the Cryptozoology Season log 
on to:

Learning and Access Manager
Grant Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy
Darwin Building
Department of Biology
University College London
Gower Street

Tel:(+44) 020 7679 2647    (Internal ext. 32647)
Fax:(+44) 020 7679 7096
Email: [log in to unmask]

Opening Times: Monday to Friday 1-5pm

Group visits (Including: schools, colleges, other 
universities, special interest groups, researchers, appointments):
Monday to Friday 9am-1pm