

Dear colleagues, If you'd like to take part, please send booking forms for this symposium by 15 August 2008.


Symposium on 26 September 2008

In Honour of Martina Lauster's Retirement

Organized by Ricarda Schmidt and Gert Vonhoff

Patterns of Knowledge in the 19th Century

University of Exeter, Queen's Building, Margaret Rooms 1-3

Supported by DML and SALL at the University of Exeter


9.30                 Welcome by Ricarda Schmidt

                        Morning Session I (chaired by Lesley Sharpe)

9.45                 Thomas Bremer (French, University of Halle)

                        '"Es ist eine galvanisirte und geschminkte Riesenleiche", sagte die Gräfin, und die bürgerliche Konkurrentin antwortet: "ich denke Paris und träume Paris und liebe Paris, und Liebe ist Leben".

Reisende Frauen des Vormärz schildern Paris (1842-1848): Hahn-Hahn, Ida Kohl, Therese von Bacheracht, Fanny Lewaldt'

10.15               Mary Orr (French, University of Southampton)

'Alexander von Humboldt's Cosmos and Flaubert's Tentation de saint Antoine: Crossing Frontiers in Literary Science'

10.45               Coffee

                        Morning Session II (chaired by N.N.)

11.15               Ian Foster (German, University of Salford)

                        'The Austrian Officer as Writer: A Dashing History' 

11.45               Christine Haug (Buchwissenschaft, University of Munich)

                        'Ernst Steiger, ein deutscher Buchhändler in New York - Vormärz-Publizistik als nordamerikanischer Nachdruck'

12.15               Helen Bridge (German, University of Exeter)

                        'Perception, Form and Feeling: German Theories of Visual Knowledge in the Late Nineteenth Century'

12.45               Lunch in Reed Hall

                        Afternoon Session I (chaired by Chloe Paver)

2.15                 John Plunkett (English, University of Exeter)

                        '"The World in a Box": From the Peepshow to the Mutoscope'

2.45                 Paul Young (English, University of Exeter)

'Rambles Beyond Railways: Gothicized Place and Globalized Space in the Victorian South West'

3.15                 Carol Adlam (Russian, University of Exeter)

'Surveillance, Spectacle, and Visual Culture in Imperial Russia, 1826-1856'

3.45                 Tea

                        Afternoon Session II (chaired by N.N.)

4.15                 Ulrike Zitzlsperger (German, University of Exeter) 

                        '"Warum soll nicht das Wort vom Leben Zeugnis geben?" Georg Hermann's Biedermeier-world in Jettchen Gebert (1906) and Henriette Jacoby (1908)'

4.45                 David Rock (German, University of Keele)

'From Nineteenth-Century German Cultural Outpost to Current Ethnic German  Backwater: Developments in the Romanian Banat'

5.15                 Closing remarks by Gert Vonhoff

5.30                 Reception in Queen's Senior Common Room

Live musical entertainment by Take Two

                        (saxophone, keyboard and guitar)

8.00                 Dinner in the Cathedral Room of the Royal Clarence Hotel, Exeter, Cathedral Close.


Booking form

Please return the booking form, together with your cheque, as soon as possible and no later than 15 August 2008 to


Prof. Ricarda Schmidt, German, SALL, University of Exeter, Queen's Building, Exeter EX4 4QH

For any queries, please contact the organizers:

e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or [log in to unmask]

Tel.: 01392-26 4224                                                   01392-26 4333




Home Institution (if applicable) and postal address:

E-mail address:

I wish to attend the symposium in honour of Professor Martina Lauster's retirement on Friday, 26 September 2008, and would like to book for the following events. Partners/guests are welcome; please indicate the number of places you wish to book in each box:

Number of places requested

Booked Event 


I wish to attend the conference papers (and will pay the conference fee of £4 per person).



I wish to attend lunch in Reed Hall (and will pay £12 per person for the 2 course meal; drinks not included).



I wish to attend the reception in Queen's Building.



I wish to attend dinner in the Royal Clarence (and will pay £26 per person for the cold buffet; drinks not included).



I wish to submit a paper to be considered for publication in the proceedings (submission deadline 31 December 2008). 



I would like my name, title and home institution to be added to a 'Tabula Gratulatoria' (to appear on the 4th page of the programme for the day and to be printed in the conference proceedings).


I attach a cheque for £ _________ made payable to Prof Ricarda Schmidt.