

Dear colleagues,

 The British Geophysical Association’s annual Postgraduate Research in 
Progress meeting will take place in Durham on 1st and 2nd September. We 
take a broad view of “geophysics”, and welcome any participant and 
presentation from associated fields such as geotectonics and 
geodynamics.   Please encourage your research students to register and 
submit a presentation. Registration and abstract submission are open 
until the end of July. Supervisors are also encouraged to take part!   
Further details and registration are available at

Highlights will include Tavi Murray’s presentation of her Bullerwell 
lecture “Beneath the ice: geophysical observations at Rutford Ice 
Stream, West Antarctica”, and the BGA invited lecture by Lars Stixrude 
“From minerals to mantle: the planetary mosaic”.  

This is an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students to present 
their work to a broader audience in a friendly atmosphere, to discuss 
results with other staff and students, to network (e.g. seek job 
opportunities!) and to learn what is going on in the national (and 
wider) geophysical scene.  

We very much look forward to seeing you and your students at the meeting!  

With best regards,  

Roger Searle

R. C. Searle
Professor of Geophysics
Department of Earth Sciences
Durham University
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
Phone +44(0)191 334 2307
Fax   +44(0)191 334 2301