The 2008 Darcy Lecture in London


Professor Michael Celia, Princeton University

‘Geological Storage as a Carbon Mitigation Option’


Convened by the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society

Friday 11th July, The Roberts Lecture Theatre, UCL, 3.00 – 5.00 pm


The 2008 Darcy Distinguished Lecturer is Professor Michael Celia, chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. Mike Celia has very broad research interests, spanning ground water hydrology, ecohydrology, numerical modelling, contaminant transport simulation, and multiphase flow physics. He applies pore-scale network modelling to study reactive transport and scaling in porous media systems; computational studies of plant responses to variations in soil moisture in water-stressed ecosystems; and as part of the Princeton Carbon Mitigation Initiative he studies large-scale injection of CO2 into deep brine formations. Mike Celia served for 10 years as editor of the journal Advances in Water Resources. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and recipient of the 2005 AGU Hydrologic Sciences Award.


The Programme will include two supporting speakers, Professor Andy Woods (BP Institute, Cambridge) on ‘The impact of geological variability on the dispersal of CO2 plumes’, and Professor Mike Bickle (Earth Sciences, Cambridge) on ‘Mineral reaction rates in a natural CO2-enriched groundwater system, Green River, Utah’. The Programme is attached.



There is no registration fee, but pre-registration is required.  Please send an email to [log in to unmask] entitled ‘Darcy 2008 Registration’ indicating: (i) name, (ii) affiliation. There will be an opportunity to meet over drinks after the meeting at a nearby bar.