

Hi everybody,

I've been running fslvbm on some datasets and I have an issue which  
has me stumped, hopefully someone here can shed light on it for me.

I convert my original T1 images to RPI and place them in a directory,  
then rescale them (using tbss_1_preproc). I then proceed to run  
fslvbs_1_bet and fslvbm_2_template.

When I look in the results of the of fslvbm2a.[oe]* to see how the  
segmentation went I see that fast is complaining about image flipping,  
even though the original images were in RPI.

When I try to skull strip and segment the same data file by hand,  
there is no complaint from fast about flipping. Likewise, when I copy  
the ${subject}.anat_brain.{hdr,img} files into a separate directory  
and run fast on  it using the same arguments as in the fslvbm2a  
script, I do not receive complaints from fast. This has me stumped.

Should I be concerned about the complaint about flipping during the  
fslvbm_* pipeline Or can I safely ignore it?

If it would help I can make all the data available for download.

Dr Colm G. Connolly
School of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience
The Lloyd Building
University of Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin 2, Éire
Fax: +353-1-671-3183

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