


Here's what I'm trying to do:
I resampled fMRI-based ROIs from a group omnibus contrast onto dti scans to
investigate the tracts underlying my functional networks. The DTI scans are
60 directions, b=700.
I ran BEDPOSTX and PROBTRACKX without errors, but it seems that between
equivalent pairs of ROIs (a seed and a target, registered onto all
individual DTI space), my waytotal varies between 18.00 and 30,000 depending
on subjects. What could cause such a discrepancy, given that the seed and
target ROIs seem to have registered fine and are approximately the same size
in all subjects?
The probtrack command I used for each subject looks like:
probtrackx --mode=seedmask -x $subject/dti/DTI_ROIs/lh.TPJ.label.nii  -l -c
0.2 -S 2000 --steplength=0.5 -P 5000
--stop=$subject/dti/DTI_ROIs/lh_supPrecentralS.label.nii --forcedir --opd -s
$subject/dti/dti.bedpostX/merged -m

Any help in troubleshooting or ideas welcome!