


I am using the load_varian command to first convert my Varian FID files to nifti format for use with 
FSL. I am doing diffusion weighted imaging, and my single FID file contains the data for all 6 
diffusion directions (plus b0 reference image) in one file. I have 2 questions...
1) Is there a way to tell load_varian to split the parent FID file into the 7 individual files, so that they 
can be analyzed using dtifit?
2) If not, I am trying to write some software to split my FID files before sending them to load_varian. 
However, these were fast spin-echo scans, in which the phase encoding is in a different order to a 
"standard" Varian FID. I see that there is an option in load_varian called:
load_varian -tabc [filename]
I have my phase encoding table stored in a file called "fse128_8_4", but whenever I've tried passing 
this file as an argument, I get the error load_varian: No match. Could you tell me the correct 
proceedure for telling load_varian to lookup the phase encoding from this file?

Many thanks
Patrick Hales