

> I can assign to my WMware Player all 4 CPUs using the set
> affinity in the windows task manager, but it will still use
> only 1 CPU (25% of total usage) because WMware Player is
> limited to 1 CPU.


> I also tried to edit the FSLvm5_32.vmx file to use 2 CPUs
> (adding numvcpus = "2") but with no effect.

Correct, it is a limitation of the vmware player not the FSL vmware "appliance".

> I guess the solution is to purchase the full WMware workstation.

That should work.

> .. or SGE?

That seems like a painful way to make things happen, unless of course
you happen to enjoy beating your head against brick walls.  You would
need 2 vmware player instances with a local bridged or NAT network set
up in such a way that they can all see each other.  You would then
have to add NFS and the likes to your vmware player machines and get a
bunch of other things to work.

I would suspect that by the time you have purchased more RAM, bought
Vmware workstation, fiddled, etc you would have been better off to
just buy a "real" linux/ubuntu machine in the first place.  Either
that or at this stage given that you seem to be using (and liking) the
ubuntu virtual machine I would take the next step towards nirvana and
have a hack with wubi:

Wubi is essentially a point and click windows thingo that will install
ubuntu (for real) for you on your machine.

Andrew Janke ([log in to unmask] ||
Canberra->Australia +61 (402) 700 883