

Dear All

I am forwarding this on behalf of Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil and Barbara
Lucas of the University of Geneva.  If you would like to know more, please 
contact the following address:

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With best wishes, Bernard.

Université de Genève
04.09.2008 - 05.09.2008 | Uni Mail, Genève

Face à la dépendance: Etats sociaux, citoyenneté et action publique en Europe
(Dependancy and Care policy: Welfare States, Citizenship and Policy
Instruments in Europe)
accueil > agenda/conférences

This conference intend to foster an analysis of caring regimes impact on
life choices and life styles in Europe in a comparative perspective. It will
take under scrutiny all together the three populations in need for care
(small children, disabeld and elderly).
European Welfare States and caring policies will be discussed in regards to
life courses (session I),
social citizenship and the insertion of the individual into collective
groups (session II)
and policy instruments and agency (session III).

Informations et inscriptions:
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Barbara Lucas

Resop -Département de science politique;
Coordinatrice Ecole doctorale Lémanique en Etudes genre;
Formatrice - Unité Médiation, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Sion

adresse: Uni Mail
40, bd Pont d'Arve
1211 Genève 4, Suisse
Tél. ++41.22.379.89.52
bureau: 5364

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