G-8: "C&C - on the table"  [log in to unmask]&mid=1721541823&eto=@9DA4D29DDF2861D327E88F14FD6B6791159AB85F9692F36B','Mail','toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=620,height=450'); return true" href="http:[log in to unmask]&sort=d&start=718#">Aubrey Meyer
 Jul 08, 2008 07:53 PDT 

Adam Morton
The AGE [Australia daily]
July 9, 2008
“Let's not get carried away”



“One approach on the table is contraction and convergence — rich
countries contracting their emissions quickly, while developing
countries are given some room to grow on condition they make cuts


THE world's richest nations agreeing that global greenhouse emissions
should be cut in half by 2050 is a step forward, no question. But its
importance should not be overstated: no one has signed on to a new
binding commitment.

In reality, it is little more than an understanding that something needs
doing. Polls suggest a majority of people in many developed countries
could have told their leaders that some time ago.

The climate change section of the summit seems a case of lowering
expectations and meeting them. Despite last year's G8 summit pledging to
seriously consider a 50% cut, climate envoys went out of the way in the
lead-up to the Hokkaido meeting to say no agreement was likely.

That immediately swept the tough 2020 target that lobbyists and climate
scientists were calling for off the table.

US President George Bush consistently argued that the G8 was not the
forum to strike a climate deal. He prefers the major economies meetings
that include developing polluters China, India and Brazil — countries
that, along with Australia, will be present for expanded discussions

The agreement is a win for Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who all
but staked his future on convincing the G8 to agree to something — "in
any form" — on climate change. It could even be spun as good news for
Kevin Rudd as he prepares to introduce carbon trading — an indication
the developed world, including the US, is ready to act.

But let's not get carried away. The real negotiations are being held
back until next January, once there is a new leader in the White House.
Even then, a binding post-Kyoto deal that spells out how the world can
get to the 50% reduction target seems a long way off.

One approach on the table is contraction and convergence — rich
countries contracting their emissions quickly, while developing
countries are given some room to grow on condition they make cuts later.

Whichever approach ends up being taken, negotiations have barely begun
on the road to a new global treaty, due at a UN meeting in Copenhagen in
December 2009.

Aubrey Meyer
37 Ravenswood Road
Ph 0208 520 4742