

hopefully the heat from the recent C&C vs. K2 debate has cooled enough for
me to make the following enquiry!
In this debate a point was made in K2's favour, namely, how will all the
products imported into a country be allocated to the per capita emissions
of the producer and consumer countries?
Also, I read recently an article in Resugence magazine by Vanda Shiva
which said: "It would be wrong, for example, to put the emissions from the
burning of Borneo's forests as a per capita contribution of all
Indonesians, including the peasants and indigeneous communities who are
being uprooted for palm oil plantations."
In both these examples it would seem that the best party to "charge"
against their carbon budget would be the corporation that produced the
product or burnt the forest (although of course this doesn't mean I agree
with the latter!),
