

We have recently beed approached by a person with a degenerative condition
who wants to do some voice banking, before their speech deteriorates
further.  We would really appreciate any advice the group can offer
regarding how we could go about this, any specific software which can be
used, what quality the sounds are, and how easy it is to use the samples
on different voice output communcaition aids.  Finally is it possible to
take sufficient voice samples to create their own synthesised voice - if
so what would be needed to achieve this? 

Your question re. creating a bespoke synthesised voice: you should contact CALL Scotland (Paul Nisbet or Sally Millar) as they have been working with the techie people at Edinburgh Uni who created the Scottish speech synthesiser using sampled speech.

Communication Matters (ISAAC UK)
  c/o ACE Centre, 92 Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7DR, UK
  General Enquiries: Tel & Fax 0845 456 8211
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