

Jointly organised by the E-Learning Group, MLA Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Hub


Evaluating and user testing online resources 15 September

Weston Park Museum, Sheffield S10 2TP

Time: 1000 – 1630

Who the day is for: Anyone involved in the creation of learning content for museums, libraries or archives

Evaluation and user testing of e-learning resources are critical for their success but do we always spend enough time and effort on getting this right? This day (aimed at a basic level) will offer examples of good practice in this area as well as practical advice on how to evaluate and user-test effectively.


Draft Programme

10.00 - 10.25 Registration coffee/tea and pastries

10.25 - 10.30 Introduction to the day and to the practical workshops –Vicky Mitchell, E-Learning Manager, Yorkshire Hub and Martin Bazley. Chair, E-Learning Group

10.30 - 11.15 General introduction to evaluation, audience consultation, evaluating and user testing online learning resources - Martin Bazley

11.15 - 11.45 Case Study A: user testing / evaluation of My Learning resources Vicky Mitchell

11.45 - 12.15 Case Study B: to be confirmed (proposals welcomed)

12.15 - 13.15  Lunch at Weston Park Museum

13.15 - 15. 00 Crit room – Websites invited for on the spot user testing – Nadia Arbach, V&A Museum, Digital Programmes Manager (previously Bridgeman Art Library and National Archives)  

15.00 - 15.15 Tea

15.15 - 15.45 Case Study C: Working with Teacher Evaluators - Nadia Arbach

15.45 – 16.15 Panel Discussion

16.15 - 16.30 Summing up - final questions, evaluation


Have your site reviewed for usability
Would you like some constructive feedback on your website or e-learning resource?
As part of this training day we will be reviewing websites and online learning resources in a 'crit room' workshop with a combination of heuristic evaluation (expert review) and simulated user testing.

Booking Information
Costs: E-Learning Group members £50 / non-members £75 / concessions (full-time student, unwaged or retired) £30 (morning, lunch and afternoon refreshments included)


We can invoice you and payment can be made by BACS or cheque.

Membership of the ELG costs just £12 (individual) or £40 (corporate). To join the ELG contact:  [log in to unmask] or telephone 07889 590255

Cancellation: 7-14 days before event 50% fee payable. Later than 7 days before the event full fee payable unless place filled in time.

To book please download the booking form from the MLA Yorkshire website at:

and return it no later than 5 September 2008.


- with apologies if you get this more than once -





Martin Bazley

Chair, E-Learning Group for Museums, Libraries and Archives

15 Margin Drive


SW19 5HA

0780 3580 727

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