Stanford University's Mood and Anxiety Disorders Laboratory is seeking an fMRI technologist/project coordinator who will take on the responsibility of organizing, running and analyzing data from ongoing neural investigations of major depression, social phobia and bipolar disorder. The position involves collecting BOLD, spectroscopic and DTI data on three of Stanford's GE scanners as well as analyzing this data with AFNI and locally developed MATLAB software. The ideal candidate for this job has a strong working knowledge of AFNI, MATLAB, and Unix/Linux. 

This is a challenging and stimulating position where you will work with great people in a fast-paced environment. A competitive salary and benefits are offered. This position will begin August 1st, 2008; a two-year minimum commitment is desired. If interested, please forward your CV/resume to [log in to unmask].

Best regards,

Stanford Mood and Anxiety Disorders Lab