


>I once saw Limbo dancing in Jamaica perhaps Jamaica is hot def need the sun

Yes, limbo dancing, I get,  but don't you click on the Limbo Line Train?

Is this *so time-specific?

            I thought everyone about my age climbed on board it.

Maybe not, maybe you were lucky ...

There has to be an anthology somewhere of limbo line train poems -- damn 
thing started from a blues song, I'd guess, but the Glasgow spin came out of 
a bit of a Pynchon novel -- "Riding a flat car on the limbo-line."

Sheesh, that divides the world into two, those who rode a train on the limbo 
line, and those who didn't.


Suddenly, I really feel old ...


It's odd, I really can't imagine anyone my age who didn't ride the limbo 

Then I think about how much of me is hard-wired to that bloody train ...



{It's, among several other reasons, why I'd never start a fight -- I'm not 
mental, but I'd fight to win.  One of the various lessons you pick up if you 
ride the Limbo Line Train.}