

I am convinced that the small brilliant crystal you mention can be
found, or at least looked for - intrinsically, where the only source of
power is to be found, and where the only application of power should be
allowed, if we use the term 'power' at all (I'm really referring to
Cybernetics - as second order observation, even of the self  - only
allows intrinsic control, therefore the material aspects of class can
only be addressed by the group itself, not by the designer. Design
solutions (in themselves trying to 'define' to the group what 'design'
is and can do / 'afford' the group) cannot address, speak directly to
class or material aspects. The individuals, as a group, as a network in
Latour's example of actor-networks, must apply any definitions /
differentiations / distinctions.
The designer, as a human being trying to understand, must learn how to
differentiate between self and environment, and so must every member of
the group you wish to design for (communicate with).

Design is indeed a way of thinking, for the designer as a structured way
of communication, and for the user as a way of understanding some other
insight besides the ones (culturally, economically, politically)
situationally available at any one time.

When you say "In humanity -- design is a solution that has to take care
of what is
genuinely in need and discard what is not beneficial to humanity" you
are speaking the constructive language of Changing the Change - the
conference in Torino this July!


>>> Karen Fu <[log in to unmask]> 06/13/08 8:15 AM >>>

interesting analysis!
Here is a lunchtime breakdown of some simple thoughts open for opinions:

I was thinking.
Design -- a way of thought / a strategy
Thoughtful living --- considerate humane and smart solutions to daily
Thoughts --- inclusive of all the domains of sciences and the arts,
the economics
, culture and politics. (can't run away from politics and especially
religion but a tactful way of handling
these will keep success and peace. So far few people can sort these
sensitive issures)

In business, design is to seek a special identity, a different way of
arranging the
various elements and put them into a solution in the simplest and most
efficient form
that is of profit.

In humanity -- design is a solution that has to take care of what is
genuinely in need and discard
what is not beneficial to humanity.
Seeking differences in insight has a way of looking into issues that
are not bound to surface
now but possibly in the future.

in politics, religion and culture--- design is mainly about power.

as far as differentiation is concerned, we cannot elude class.
Its probably the material aspect of class that should be minimalised
as much as possible.

pretty much hard to have it very simple like that of a small brilliant

there goes lunch,
Karen Fu
