

Understanding metadata and controlled vocabularies - the key to integrated


to be held at

CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE

Tuesday 29th July 2008, 9.30-16.30


Course Outline

Nowadays information comes in from all over the place, in all shapes and
sizes. Conversely, the resources we put together need to travel to multiple
destinations, perhaps getting repackaged along the way to suit different
audiences and contexts.  Successful journeys across the networks are
achieved by labelling each item and package with metadata.


This one-day workshop will provide an introduction to some widely used
metadata schemas (such as Dublin Core, CDWA, e-GMS, IEEE-LOM) and discuss
how to adapt and exploit them for our own needs. It will also explore the
different types of vocabulary (taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, etc.) that
may be used for labelling the subject content of our resources.  We’ll be
looking very practically at how to handle the vocabulary tools, in order to
achieve integrated information management.  Examples and exercises will be
drawn from public and private sector applications.


The course will include a combination of presentations and practical
exercises, with participation encouraged and plenty of opportunity for
questions and answers.


Who Should Attend

Anyone who is planning efficient ways of managing information flows around
the organisation should attend.  Likewise webmasters who want to maximise
the impact of the resources on their websites, especially by presenting them
so that users can find what they want and external portals can harvest the
information.  Effective implementation of metadata relies on cooperative
working between information professionals and their information technology
colleagues, and it is good to have both sides of the house represented.


Course Presenter

A Fellow of CILIP, Stella Dextre Clarke is an independent consultant who
specialises in the design and implementation of controlled vocabularies for
private and public sector clients.  While working with the Cabinet Office,
she played a key role in development of the UK’s e-Government Metadata
Standard and built the Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary which forms part
of it.  In 2006 she won the Tony Kent Strix Award (sponsored by UKeiG), for
outstanding contributions to the field of information retrieval.



For more information or to book a place on this course, please visit <>  or email [log in to unmask]
(booking form below)



UKeiG has the CILIP Seal of Recognition, which recognises high standards in
the content and relevance of training courses.  See for details


UKeiG is a Special Interest Group of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of
Library and Information Professionals. 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE.
Registered Charity No. 313014. 



Understanding metadata and controlled vocabularies - the key to integrated


CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE

Tuesday 29th July 2008, 9.30-16.30


Costs (including lunch and refreshments):


UKeiG members £130 + VAT (£152.75); others £160 + VAT (£188.00)   


Please complete and return this form by 22nd July 2008, to Christine Baker,
Piglet Cottage, Redmire, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 4EH.  

Tel & Fax 01969 625751.  

Email: [log in to unmask]







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*I am/am not a member of UKeiG (*please delete as necessary)

*I enclose a cheque for ………………….made payable to UKeiG 


*Please invoice me/my organisation

[* please delete as necessary]


A cancellation fee of £25.00 + VAT is payable.  No refunds after 22nd July


Please specify any special dietary requirements ……………………………………………


___Please tick if a CPD certificate is required.


Data Protection Act 1998


___Please tick if you do not wish your name and affiliation to appear on the
delegate list.


___If you are not a member of UKeiG, please tick if you do wish to receive
information about future courses and other UKeiG activities


UKeiG accepts firm bookings by post, fax, email and through the UKeiG Web
site.  All fees are payable in full prior to the date of the course.
Cancellations received less than 7 working days before the start of the
course will be subject to the full fee.  For non-attendance at a course
there will be no refunds and the full fee will be payable.  Substitutions
may be made at any time without additional cost.  UKeiG reserves the right
to cancel a course if insufficient bookings have been received.  Delegates
will be offered an alternative date or a full refund of the course fee.
UKeiG reserves the right to make changes to the programme.  UKeiG will not
be liable for any consequential loss of travel or accommodation fees due to
cancellation of the course. 


UKeiG is a Special Interest Group of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of
Library and Information Professionals. 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE.
Registered Charity No. 313014.