

I'm new with fsl, and have just installed fsl on my Ubuntu. 
I'm trying to use mfast, have used Bet to extract out non-tissue, but in a
most cases, I get the error-message. I'm using mfast on a t1 and a t2 picture.

/usr/share/fsl/bin/mfast -s 2 -c 3 -od
No convergence in 30 SVDCMP iterations

MFAST - Multispectral FAST		Version 3.53

Channel 0: /tmp/fsl_ASbhq4_Dykkar_Bo
Channel 1: /tmp/fsl_ASbhq4_Dykkar_Bo2
Imagesize : 256 x 256 x 19
Pixelsize : 0.898438 x 0.898438 x 6.65

Slice is too thick, 2D segmentation will be performed!
initial segmentation by KMeans....
4 main iterations ...

Matrix Inverse: Not invertable!


In the rest of the cases I get 

/usr/share/fsl/bin/mfast -s 2 -c 3 -od
	313577.5  	681402.9  	485882.3  	1480862.8 

MFAST - Multispectral FAST		Version 3.53

Channel 0: /tmp/fsl_5nFAIf_Dykkar_Df_brain
Channel 1: /tmp/fsl_5nFAIf_Dykkar_Df2_brain
Imagesize : 256 x 256 x 19
Pixelsize : 0.898438 x 0.898438 x 6.65

Slice is too thick, 2D segmentation will be performed!
initial segmentation by KMeans....
4 main iterations ...

Segmentation done successfully!

Calculation time 51 seconds!

Write segmentation image /tmp/fsl_5nFAIf.fastout/QQQQQ_seg.hdr Successfully!

Class:		tissue 0	tissue 1	tissue 2	total

Do you have any idea what I can do to fix this? I ran the fsl evaluation,
and it said that the tests passed. I think maybe there might be something
wrong with the brain extraction, cause when I tried to use an another
computer with mfast, it all worked out fine. 
