



FQS, the online qualitative journal, announces the
publication of a Special Issue on Performative Social Science.  The issue is available at: 


Edited by Kip Jones (Special Issue Editor) and Mary Gergen, John J. Guiney Yallop, Irene
Lopez de Vallejo, Brian Roberts
& Peter Wright (Co-Editors), the Special Issue brings together a seminal collection of 42 articles by
authors from 13 countries, and includes experimental pieces that use different
kinds of digital and written formats which move this publication beyond the
normal constraints and layouts of paper-based journals.  


The Special Issue contains over 100
photographs and almost 50 illustrations, as well as 36 videos and two
audio-recordings. Diverse textual forms of representation include over 50
poems, three scripted conversations and a play. This Special Issue showcases an impressive range of methods, techniques
and philosophical underpinnings.   


The Special Issue consists of 42 articles
written by contributors from 13 countries (Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, Germany,
 New Zealand, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America) and written in three languages. 


in the widest sense of the word, has become a "working title" for the
efforts of social science researchers who are exploring the use of tools from the
arts in research itself and/or using them to enhance, or move beyond, PowerPoint conference presentations or
traditional journal submissions in their dissemination efforts. Those engaging
in this new "performative social science" are often shifting existing
boundaries or transforming them through relational processes.  


The Editors
invite you to explore Performative Social
Science with them in this on-line publication which establishes a
foundational reference for the performative turn in social science. 





Dr Kip Jones

Reader in Qualitative Social Science

Leader, Performative Social Science Group

Centre for Qualitative Research

Bournemouth University United Kingdom




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